Publications by and about Thomas Merton

Publications by The Society:

Your Heart is My hermitage - Thomas Merton's Vision of Solitude & Community
Conference Papers from the First General Meeting of the TMS - Southampton 1996

Thomas Merton: Poet, Monk, Prophet
Conference Papers from the Second General Meeting of the TMS - Oakham 1998

Thomas Merton: A Mind Awake in the Dark
Conference Papers from the Third General Meeting of the TMS - Oakham 2000

The World in My Bloodstream: Thomas Merton's Universal Embrace
Conference Papers from the Fourth General Meeting of the TMS - Oakham 2002

Across the Rim of Chaos: Thomas Merton's Prophetic Vision
Conference Papers from the Fifth General Meeting of the TMS - Birmingham 2004

Beyond the Shadow and the Disguise: Three Essays on Thomas Merton
Selected Papers from the Sixth General Meeting of the TMS - Oakham 2006

Universal Vision: Our Centenary Edition of The Merton Journal, an enlarged volume of 200 pages.
Its contents are listed on the Merton Journal page under Advent 2014, vol. 21 no 2.

Copies of some of these volumes are still available including Universal Vision.
Please email your requirements to
All are available in The Merton Collection and the British Library.

Other Publications

The best way to explore the wealth of published material by and about Merton is by using the
bibliographical resources maintained by the Thomas Merton Centre in Bellarmine.
Click on this link to access these

Getting Started with Merton - A Select Bibliography

The beginning of this love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them: we only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them.

- Thomas Merton, No Man is an Island