The Merton Journal Archive
The Advent 2021 issue, Vol. 28, No.2, included:
Fernando Beltran Llavador - Thomas Merton’s ‘One only Kindness’
Film reviews by Willy Slavin and James Cronin
Poems by Matthew Robb Brown
Jim Forest - Merton’s ‘The Cell’: The place where we meet everything
Sr Mary Luke CHC - The Gracehoper was always Jigging a Jog
Elizabeth Rainsford-McMahon - The Door Opening onto Theology: Thomas Merton’s Crafting of ‘Still-points’
Book reviews by Kenneth Carveley, Ben Hopkinson, Sylvia Grevel, Patricia Higgins and Emily Miller
Jim Forest - Rooted in Thin Air
Anonymous - Thomas Merton’s Advent, November 27 1966: Signs of Hope in Conflicted Times
The Easter 2021 issue, Vol. 28, No.1, included:
Jim Walker - Thomas Merton and nature
Tom Finnigan - Through a glass clearly
Fiona Gardner - Living in the 'unliveable' world
Fr Sam McNally-Cross - Following Thomas to the cloister
Ron Dart - Kindred minds: Pasternak, Zhivago and Merton
Sr Hazel Smith - Noli me tangere - An Easter reflection
Derek Reeve - Parishes, Monasteries, and the Future of the Church
Poems by Gerard Garrigan & David Hodges
Book Reviews by Allan Hargreaves, James Cronin & Willy Slavin
The Advent 2020 issue, Vol. 27, No.2, included:
Michael Plekon - Merton's Last Epiphany
Peter Ellis - Thomas Merton and the Deep Amerindian Past
Sonia Petisco - An Interview with Francisco Petisco
Farai Mapamula - From Birmingham Alabama to Birmingham UK
Jonathan Dean - Restless Longing, Heavenly Avarice: Merton & Traherne
Mario Aguilar - Thomas Merton: The hermitage years - Engagement and Withdrawal
Elizabeth Holmes - Lectio Divina
Sonia Petisco & Fernando Beltran Llavador - "Unseen until Words End": Rethinking Language
with Thomas Merton
Poems by Sam McNally-Cross & David Hodges
Book Reviews by Fiona Gardner, Anthony Purvis & James D'Angelo
The Easter 2020 issue, Vol. 27, No.1, included:
Bernadette McNary-Zak - De Consideratione - A monastic for of nonviolence
David Golemboski - Guilt and grace: Thomas Merton's American Identity
Thomas Merton - Easter Pontifical Mass at Gethsemani, 1963
Stephen Dunhill - Thomas Merton & Christian de Cherge - A shared interfaith vision
James Cronin- A brief history of the SCLC
Gordon Oyer - Contemplation as connection: Fruitful action on an unraveling planet
Book Reviews by Kenneth Carveley & Andrew Walker
The Advent 2019 issue, Vol. 26, No.2, included:
Patrick F O'Connell - Old World, New Priest: Thomas Merton's 'Senescente Mundo'
Daniel Horan OFM - Beyond bystanding: Thomas Merton's guidance in the age of Trump and Brexit
Stephen Dunhill - Merton's ordination
Fiona Gardner - Being true to oneself with another -
Insights from Thomas Merton's friendship with Fr John of the Cross
Sonia Petisco Martinez & Fernando Beltran Llavador - Harkening to the silent word
Mario Aguilar - Thomas Merton: The hermitage years - Engagement and Withdrawal
Elizabeth Holmes - Lectio Divina
Sonia Petisco & Fernando Beltran Llavador - "Unseen until Words End": Rethinking Language
with Thomas Merton
Poems by Jay Caldwell & Sarah Law
Book Reviews by Ben Hopkinson, Gary Hall & Maureen Pickering
The Easter 2019 issue, Vol. 26, No.1, included:
Michael Plekon - Merton's Last Epiphany
Peter Ellis - Thomas Merton and the Deep Amerindian Past
Sonia Petisco - An Interview with Francisco Petisco
Farai Mapamula - From Birmingham Alabama to Birmingham UK
Jonathan Dean - Restless Longing, Heavenly Avarice: Merton & Traherne
Mario Aguilar - Thomas Merton: The hermitage years - Engagement and Withdrawal
Elizabeth Holmes - Lectio Divina
Sonia Petisco & Fernando Beltran Llavador - "Unseen until Words End": Rethinking Language
with Thomas Merton
Poems by Sam McNally-Cross & David Hodges
Book Reviews by Fiona Gardner, Anthony Purvis & James D'Angelo
The Advent 2018 issue, Vol. 25, No.2, included:
Gardner, Fiona: Crisis and Mystery - Thomas Merton and the Vietnam War
Cronin, James: Burn his Books - American Catholic Opposition to Thomas Merton in 1968
Stott, Ric: The Call of the Blank Canvas
Oyer, Gordon: Inner Freedom and an Activist Conscience - Thomas Merton's Journey with
Social Movements
Stackhouse, Ian: Any Toolshed Will Do - Reflection on Merton's Experience with Prayer
Sullivan, Danny: An Interview with Jim Forest
Ellis, Peter: Report on The Thomas Merton Symposium in Rome
Merton at the BBC Proms
Poems by Daniel Berrigan
Book and Film Reviews by Fiona Gardner, Ian Cowley, Paul Pearson,Stephen Dunhill,
Fernando Beltran Llavador & Gordon Oyer
The Easter 2018 issue, Vol.25 No.1 included:
Drummond, Terry: Ken Leech - Contemplative Priest, Prophet and Friend
Leech, Kenneth: Thomas Merton - Theologian of Resistance
Higgins, Patricia: A Vision of Hope and Joy
Leech, Kenneth: Three Reflections on Silence
Leech, Kenneth: Theology and the Back Streets
Thurston, Bonnie Bowman: Spiritual Formation & 'Progress in Prayer' in the Merton-Gullick letters
Dart, Ron: Hermann Hesse & Thomas Merton: Countercultural Affinities
Poems by Tony McClelland
Book Review by Anne Tomlinson
The Advent 2017 issue, Vol.24 No.2, included:
Hall, Gary: All Bystanders Now?
Thurston, Bonnie Bowman: 'Almost as if I had a Sister' - Introducing the Merton-Gullick
O'Connell, Patrick: Prophetic Orientations - Merton's Social Critique in 'A Picture of Yee Ling' and
'Paper Cranes'
White, Iris: Seeking a Closer Walk with God
Dunhill, Stephen: The Bishop was Pleased
Cronin, James G R: Fear Thy Neighbour - Merton and the 1961 Shelter Scare
Remembering Denise Levertov
Poems by Denise Levertov and Bonnie Thurston
Book Reviews by David Adam, James G R Cronin, Willy Slavin and Luciana Welsh
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The Easter 2017 issue, Vol. 24, No.1, included:
Merton, Thomas: The Poorer Means.
Dunhill, Stephen: Notes on 'The Poorer Means'.
Robson, Jill: An Exchange of Letters.
Petisco, Sonia: The Seduction of the Divine - Merton's Experience of Love as Self-abandonment.
Pickering, Maureen: Peter's Journey of Discovery.
Gardner, Fiona: Thomas Merton & Harry Williams - Through Breakdown to Breakthrough.
Cuntz, Detlev: In Dialogue with Thomas Merton: Paul Celan's Poetry after Auschwitz.
Jean Lamb - 2016 Conference Artist.
Poems by Philip Seal and Vickie Cimprich.
Book Reviews by Elizabeth Holmes, Patricia Higgins & Stephen Dunhill
The Advent 2016 issue, Vol.23 No.2, included:
Meade, Mark: Thomas Merton's Censored Struggle with Suicide.
Horan, Daniel: All Life is on our Side.
Betjeman, John: A Hideous Book (but very good).
Cronin, James: The Poetics of History.
Burrow, Sarah: The Gift that is God - A Meditation for Advent.
Ellis, Peter: 'Work is a Prayer'.
Merton Cited in the House of Lords.
Jean Lamb - 2016 Conference Artist.
John Dear - Lessons & Guidelines for Peacemakers.
Poems by David Hodges & Antoinette Voûte Roeder.
Book Reviews by Richard Sudworth, Stephen Dunhill, Emily Miller, Gary Hall, Maureen Pickering & Peter Ellis.
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The Easter 2016 issue, Vol.23 No.1, included:
McGregor, Michael N: Decoding the Anti-Letters - A Whirling Dance of Wisdom and Wit.
Dart, Ron: Merton and C. S. Lewis - Soul Friends.
Tomlinson, Anne: Come Alive to the Slendour.
Purvis, Anthony: I'll Say Mass for Brian Epstein - The Ethics of Letter Writing in The Road to Joy.
McLuckie, John - An Eastertide Meditation.
Clarke, Kirsty: The Poetry of Self - The re-articulation of the Theological Project.
Loftus, Basil: Thomas Merton - A Personal Appreciation.
Poems by Kirsty Clarke.
Book & Film Reviews by Erik Varden, Philip Seal, Lynn Jolly & Patricia Higgins.
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The Advent 2015 issue, Vol.22 No.2, included:
Peter Ellis: Like a Mad Woodpecker
Anna Robertson: Ministers of Silence - Innocence and Counter-narratives in the Writings of Thomas Merton.
Willy Slavin: Merton's Prophetic Voice - A Meditation for Advent.
John P. Collins: Protesting War through Poetry - Thomas Merton & Emily Dickinson.
Fiona Gardner: Both IT and NOT IT - This is the way I look at it.
Robert Lax's Cnetenary.
Merton and Oxford University.
Merton and Scotland.
Pope Francis' Address to Congress.
Book Reviews by Eric Stoddart, Ian Ker, Ron Dart & Charles MacCarthy.
Poems by Seán Dunne.
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The Easter 2015 issue, Vol.22 No.1, included:
John Moses: Why Merton Matters.
William Apel: Hiroshima Notes - The Friendship of Thomas Merton and Hiromu Morishita
Stephen Dunhill: Merton on a Desert Island - courtesy of the BBC.
James Cronin: Thomas Merton's Social Conscience in Formation - Correspondences with Czeslaw Milosz.
Sr Mary Rose SND - Centenary Prayers
The Oakhamian: Merton at Cambridger - Impressions by his Contempories.
Sonia Petisco: Silence as the Path to Joy in the Poetry of Thomas Merton and T S Eliot.
Book Reviews by Heather Lyons, Br Nicholas Allan SSF, Elizabeth Holmas & Patrick O'Connell.
Poems by Marianne Hieb, Bonnie Thurston & Frederick Smock.
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The Advent 2014 issue, Vol.21 No.2.
A special edition, titled Universal Vision, a centenary celebration of Thomas Merton with all the contributors from Europe.
The Impact of Saint-Antonin and Montauban on the Life of Thoms Merton by Dominique Brulé.
Thomas Merton at Cambridge - Rediscovered Writings by Stephen Dunhill.
Paris in Chicago, Night Out, and A Crust for Egoists by Thomas Merton.
Moved by Grace: The Joy of the Gospel and the Misery of Creativity by Gary Hall.
Living the Question by Lars Adolfsson.
Thomas Merton and Giorgio La Pira: a Friendship for Peace by Maurizio Renzini.
A Conversation with Dr Hildegard Goss-Mayr by Detlev Cuntz.
The Bystander Motif in the Social Writings of Thomas Merton by James G.R. Cronin.
Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Batista Montini) and Thomas Merton by Mario Zaninelli.
Questioning the Male-Femaile dichotomy through Thomas Merton's Poetry by Sonia Petisco.
Glimpses of Merton's Abiding Frenchness in The Geography of the Lograire by Malgorzata Poks.
Thomas Merton: A Celebration of the Person by Fernando Beltrán Llavador
A Liberator, a Reconciler by A.M. Allchin.
Finding Merton by David Scott.
2 Poems by David Scott.
The Easter 2014 issue, Vol.21 No.1, included:
Donald Grayston: Non finis quaerendi - My Journey with Thomas Merton.
Paul M Pearson: Sentinels upon the World's Frontier - Thomas Merton & Celtic Monasticism.
Patrick O'Connell: Merton's Earlier Commedia - Dante and My Argument with the Gestapo.
John P Collins: Thomas Merton and Flannery O'Connor - A Kinship with Nature.
Andy Lord: Thomas Merton and Renewal.
Book Reviews by Fiona Gardner & Gary Hall.
Poems by Vickie Cimprich.
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The Advent 2013 issue, Vol. 20, No.2, includes:
Hall, Gary. "A Flood which Breaks the Dam:Seeking Advent Reflections in Merton's Private Journals."
McLuckie, John. "This Unspeakable Paradise - Thomas Merton and the Forest."
Purvis, Anthony. "Some Reflections on Community in the Writings of Thomas Merton."
Walker, Jim. "Reflections on Thomas Merton's Childhood."
Schnapp, Patricia. "Daniel Berrigan's Lyrical Memoir."
Poems by David Scott.
Book Reviews by Peter Ellis, Karl Goswell, Martin Parrott &Patrick O'Connell.
top of the page.
The Easter 2013 issue, Vol. 20, No.1, includes:
Smock, Frederick. "Gethsemani: A 'Thin Place.'"
Hieb, Marianne. "Merton's Unidentified Vestiges."
Gardner, Fiona. "Towards an Understanding of Merton's Ideas on Sanity and Spiritual Sanity."
Renzini, Maurizio. "New Plans and Perspectives for the Italian Thomas Merton Society."
O'Connell, Patrick. "Overlooking America: 'Day Six O'Hare Telephane' and the Landscape of Lograire"
Pearson, Mary. "Giving a Talk on Merton."
Cannon, Nass. "The Time of the End is the Time of No Room...."
Poems by David Hodges
Book Reviews by David Scott & Daniel Horan.
The Advent 2012 issue, Vol. 19, No.2, includes:
Shannon, Bill. "Christmas is No Ordinary Time."
Pearson, Paul M. "Give them Poetry, Poetry, Poetry."
Burrow, Sarah. "Conference Impressions."
Poks, Malgozzata. "The Importance of Not Being Serious."
Hall, Gary. "The Child in the Rain."
Apel, William. "Reading Raids: From a Biblical/Prophetic Perspective."
Ellis, Peter. "O Fearful Meditation."
Poems by Vickie Cimprich.
Book Reviews by Stephen Dunhill and Henry Morgan.
The Easter 2012 issue, Vol.19 No.1, included:
Grayston, Donald. "'The Alleluias are back....'"
Peddie, Scott. "Looking Inwards."
Moore, Sebastian. "Thoughts in Defence of the Mystical."
Dart, Ron. "Thomas merton and Nouvelle Theologie."
Thurston, Bonnie. "'Creative Consent': Thomas merton on Saying 'Yes'."
Dunhill, Stephen. "Seeking Truth."
Poems by Paul Quenon.
Book Reviews by Helen Burn, Paul Pearson, Larry Culliford & Peter Ellis.
The Advent 2011 issue, Vol. 18, No.2, included:
Keith James. "Retreats Deserve a Health Warning: Eight Days in the Mexico Desert."
Patrick Woodhouse. "Advent with Thomas Merton."
Column Kenny. "Old Silence, New Story."
Heather Lyons. "Survival Notes."
John Collins. "Thomas Merton and Siddhartha."
Roger Gregg. "Reinterpreting Cables To The Ace for the Twenty-first Century."
Poems by Padraig Daly.
Book Reviews.
The Easter 2011 issue, Vol. 18, No.1, included:
Pearson, Paul M. "Donald Allchin and the Thomas Merton Society."
Williams, Rowan. "Donald Allchin – Wisdom & Joy."
Ware, Kallistos. "Donald Allchin – A Tribute."
Georgiou, S. T. "Lumen Christi."
Cannon, Nass. "Attending to the Presence of God: Thomas Merton and Le Point Vierge."
Peddie, Scott. "Reflections on the Newly-formed Northern Ireland Chapter."
Gardner, Fiona. "Being in the Dark: Explorations in Purification and Renewal."
Hall, Gary. "Another Kind of Trifling."
Pearson, Paul M. "Let Mercy Fall Like Rain: Thomas Merton and the Ox Mountain Parable."
Porter, J. S. "Robert Lax on Thomas Merton."
Allchin, Donald. "Memories of Thomas Merton."
Book Review by David Scott.
Poem by Kenneth Steven
The Advent 2010 issue, Vol. 17, No.2, included:
Dart, Ron. "C.S. Lewis and Thomas Merton: Poetic Affinities."
Woodhouse, Patrick. "Etty Hillesum and Thomas Merton: Twin Guides in a Post-modern Age."
Pannett, Tony. "Oakham 2010 - A Personal View."
Horan, Daniel P. OFM. "Sparks of Haecceitas: A Scotist Reading of Thomas Merton."
Archer, Kathleen. "Contemplation as Alternative Consciousness."
Apel, William. "Engaged Spirituality: Thomas Merton and Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Christian Renewal."
Poks, Malgorzata. "Simulacra, Deconstruction and Merton's Post-WWII Aesthetic."
King, Peter. "Christian Mindfulness: Towards a Common Commitment to Compassionate Living."
Book Reviews by Paul M. Pearson and Keith James.
Poems by Kathleen Baker.
Easter 2010 issue, Vol. 17, No.1, included:
Smock, Frederick. "On Nature as Paradise."
Tyler, Peter. "Merton at Fifty."
Forest, Jim. "An Army that Sheds No Blood: Thomas Merton's Response to War."
Ellis, Peter. "Conjectures on 'The Night Spirit and the Dawn Air'."
Eastman, Patrick. "An Experience of Teshuva: A Personal Reading of Jewish Dharma
by Brenda Shoshanna and Merton and Judaism edited by Beatrice Bruteau."
Carveley, Kenneth. "Thomas Merton and the Human Future."
Park, Youngman. "Daoist Seeds of Contemplation from an Asian Christian Perspective."
Book Reviews by Keith James, Bonnie Thurston, Michael Woodward, Gary Hall, and Heather Lyons."
Poems by Bonnie Thurston.
Advent 2009 issue, Vol. 16, No.2, included:
Smock, Frederick. "Merton, Whitman, Berry."
Porter, J. S. "Notes on Robert Lax."
Williams, Rowan. "Not Being Serious: Thomas Merton & Karl Barth."
Archer, Kathleen. "Bearing Witness to the Light."
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. "Thomas Merton's Vernacular Franciscan Theology."
Thurston, Bonnie. "The Sacrament of Advent: Thomas Merton's Lessons and Carols."
Book Reviews by Helen Burn, Ron Dart, Lyn Ellis, Fiona Gardner, Melvyn Matthews
and Chris Stones.
Poems by Heather Lyons.
Easter 2009 issue, Vol. 16, No.1, included:
Bannon, Anthony. "Thomas Merton, Photographer."
Hall, Gary. "The Fiction of Merton."
Apel, William. "Learning to Listen: Merton, Chakravarty, and the Smith College Students."
James, Keith. "Thomas Merton and Mission-Shaped Church: Monastic Spirituality
and the Future of the Church."
Cannon, Nass. "A Stranger No More."
Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM. "If It Is Your Brick, Take It: Thomas Merton on the Ethics of Nonviolence."
Book Reviews by Malgorzata Poks, Thea Van Dam, Peter Ellis, and Teresa Messias.
Poems by David Scott.
The Advent 2008 issue, Vol. 15, No.2, included:
Cuntz, Detlev. "Journey to the Redwoods Monastery."
Paguio, Erlinda G. "Learning to Live and Go On Living."
Cameron-Brown, OSB, Aldhelm. "Thomas Merton and the Mystic East."
Golemboski, David. "Life of a Stranger: How Thomas Merton Pitched In By Dropping Out."
Matthews, Melvyn. "Thomas Merton: Postmodernist Avant La Lettre?"
Weis, Monica. "Merton's Fascination with Deer: A Graceful Symphony."
Ellis, Peter. "Among Friends and Strangers: Reflections on the Seventh General Meeting
and Conference of the Thomas Merton Society, Oakham 2008."
Sullivan, Danny. "In Praise of Anti-Sainthood."
Book Reviews by David Scott, Paul M. Pearson, Anthony Bannon, Bede Hill, and Paul Lyons.
Poems by Heather Lyons, and Kenneth Steven.
The Easter 2008 issue, Vol. 15, No.1, included:
Smock, Frederick. "Merton and Silence."
Padovano, Anthony. "Thomas Merton's Enduring Influence."
Shannon, William H. "'Already One': Mystical Union and Religious Pluralism."
Pearson, Paul M. "Meeting Thomas Merton."
Kilcourse, George, Jr. "Thomas Merton on the Challenge of the 'Post-Christian' World."
Poks, Gosia. "Thomas Merton For All Seasons."
Culliford, Larry. "Merton, Christianity, Buddhism and Me: With Reference to Shantideva."
Sullivan, Danny. "In Praise of Anti-Sainthood."
Book Reviews by Patrick Eastman, Stephen Dunhill, Emma Joy, Fiona Gardner and Henry Morgan.
Poems by Gavin Keulks and Ron Seitz.
The Advent 2007 issue, Vol. 14, No.2, included:
Dart, Ron. "Thomas Merton and the Mountains."
Szabo, Lynn. "Thomas Merton's Incarnational Poetics."
Waldron, Robert. "Thomas Merton's Prufrockian Moment Transcended: A Journey From Fear
to the Exquisite Risk of Love."
Porter, J. S. "Thomas Merton and Adolf Eichmann."
Page, Christopher. "Thomas Merton's Exploration of the Desert Landscape of the Human Heart."
Book Reviews by Patricia A. Burton, David Scott, A. M. Allchin, Paul M. Pearson, Ross Labrie,
Les McKeown, Heather Lyons and Angus Stuart.
Poems by Doug Beardsley, Susan McCaslin and Antoinette Voute Roeder.
The Easter 2007 issue, Vol. 14, No.1, included:
Selvanayagam, Israel. "Gandhi on Non-Violence: Does Merton's Appreciation Appeal Today."
Hunter, Judith. "Exploding the Argument: The Mim Tea Estate and Polonnaruwa."
Herron, Fred W. and Michael J. Herron. "A World-Embracing Prophet: Catholic Imagination
and the Transcultural Believer."
Sutter, Herman. "How Do We Know? Merton, Dostoevsky and the Question of God."
Book Reviews by Nicola Slee, Kenneth Carveley, Tony Pannett, Patrick Eastman, Keith James
and Keith Griffin.
Poems by Bonnie Thurston and Kenneth Steven.
The Advent 2006 issue, Vol. 13, No.2, included:
Donald Allchin - "Can We Do Wales Then?"
William Apel - There Comes A Time: The Interfaith Letters of Thomas Merton
and Dona Luisa Coomaraswamy.
Peter Smith - Merton Works Discovered: Editor Donates Proofs, Drafts to Bellarmine Center.
Fiona Gardner - Birds of a Feather: Reflections on the Birds of Appetite and the Bird of Paradise.
Paul M Pearson - Obituaries: Abbot Flavian Burns and Sister Mary Luke Tobin.
Gosia Poks - Towards the Awakened Self" 'Rites for the Extrusion of a Leper' and 'Atlas
and the Fatman'.
Gosia Poks - Jan of the Ladybird: An Introduction to the Poetry of Jan Twardowski.
Book Reviews by Mara MacSeonin, David Scott, Paul M Pearson, Barrie Shipgood, Ross Labrie
and Kathleen Deignan.
Poems by Donald Eadie and Jan Twardowski.
The Easter 2006 issue, Vol.13, No.1, included:
Of Many Things by James Martin.
Always Beyond - The Cave of the Heart: The Life of Swami Abhishiktananda by Shirley du Boulay,
review essay by Tony Pannett.
Merton and the Early Carmelites: Voices Crying in the Wilderness by Valerie Edden.
Merton Today: No Guilty Bystander by Gerry McFlynn.
Mending Walls: The Changing Forms of Thomas Merton's Poetic Imagination by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Thomas Merton and the West Coast Counter-Culture: Monastic Vocation and the Challenge to Conformity by Angus F. Stuart.
A Book I Can Recommend by Geoffrey Burn.
Reflections of the Sixth General Meeting and Conference of the TMS-GBI by Larry Culliford
and Mary Pearson.
Poems by Harriet Tarlo. Book Reviews by Gary Hall, Keith Griffin, and Robert Waldron.
The Advent 2005 issue, Vol.12, No.2, included:
Contemplation in a World of Terror: Roots and Responses by Dickon Bevington.
A Reflection on Peace in the Christian Era by Thomas Merton by Gerard W Hughes, S.J.
Abraham Joshua Heschel and Thomas Merton: Dialogue and Difference by Susanne Jennings.
A Great Day: A Homily by Fr. Matthew Kelty OCSO by Matthew Kelty OCSO.
Thomas Merton and Islam by Agnes Wilkins, OSB.
Poems by Keith Griffin, Heather Lyons and George Marsh.
Book Reviews by Padraig Daly, Gary Hall, Heather Lyons, Paul M Pearson and David Scott.
The Easter 2005 issue, Vol.12, No.1, included:
Merton at Ninety by A.M. Allchin.
A Meditation for Maundy Thursday by Angus Stuart.
The Courage Not to Abstain from Speaking by Archbishop Rowan Williams.
Thomas Merton and Philip Toynbee: Diarists of Darsan by Robert Waldron.
Understanding Failure by Jim Forest.
Thomas Merton's Contribution to 20th Century Spirituality: An Appraisal by Philip Sheldrake.
Poems by David Hodges and David Scott.
Book Reviews by Kathleen Deignan and Fiona Gardner.
The Advent 2004 issue, Vol.11, No.2, included:
Czeslaw Milosz on Merton by Czeslaw Milosz.
The 2004 Parliament of the World's Religions (Barcelona, July 7-13) by Fernando Beltrán Llavador.
Thresholds by Patrick Eastman.
Thomas Merton and Alan Watts: Contemplative Catholic and Oriental Anarchist by Ron Dart.
Thomas Merton and Don Cupitt: Artist-Monk and Poetic-Theologian by Nigel Martin.
Thomas Merton and Gregorian Chant by Joseph Anderson.
Poems by Angus Stuart, M. L. Stewart and Heather Lyons.
A New Monos for A New Monasticism by Art Grimley.
Growing A Merton Workshop Within by M. L. Stewart.
Book Reviews by Paul M Pearson, Gary P. Hall and Nigel Martin.
The Easter 2004 issue, Vol.11, No.1, included:
Meeting Thomas Merton II by Jim Forest.
Thomas Merton and Dr. Gregory Zilboorg: Understanding the Dynamics by Fiona Gardner.
Poems by Keith Griffin and Bonnie Thurston.
Song of Life: Merton, Music and Jazz by Kenneth J. Gray.
Christian Monks and Monasticism in Islam by Anthony O'Mahony.
"It Is There All the Time..." Merton As a Guide to Awareness by Esther de Waal.
The Prophets of Dialogue: Massignon, Monchanin and Merton by Michael L. Fitzgerald.
Book Reviews by Angus Stuart.
The Advent 2003 issue, Vol.10 No.2, included:
A Spirituality for the Advent City: Thomas Merton's Monasticism Without Walls by Jeffrey F. Keuss.
Christianity and Islam in the Thought of Louis Massignon by Anthony O'Mahony.
Poems by Gavin Keulks, Douglas Scott, Bonnie Thurston, Thomas Merton and Patrick Bond.
Thomas Merton's Inner Landscape: A Glimpse of the Seventh Direction by Larry Culliford.
Thomas Merton and Scripture by Fiona Gardner.
The Paradox of Place: Thomas Merton's Photography by Paul M Pearson.
'Only Connect...' Thomas Merton, E. M. Forster and the East by Robert Waldron.
My Experience of a Chilean Lay Community by Dominic Marshall.
Meeting Thomas Merton by Jim Forest.
Book Reviews by Paul M Pearson, Angus Stuart, Peter King, David Scott and Michael Woodward.
The Easter 2003 issue, Vol.10 No.1, included:
Ian Thomson, 1934-2003: An Appreciation by Danny Sullivan.
Contemplation in a World of Violence II: The Strangeness of this Passivity by James Allison.
Poems by Padraig Daly, David Hodges, Thomas Merton and Bonnie Thurston.
Contemplation in a World of Violence II: Peace in a Time of Terror by Sebastian Moore.
Demythologising Our Times: Work in Progress by Gary Hall.
Kathleen Raine and Loran Hurnscot: An Astonishing Synchronicity by Robert Waldron.
A Second Round of Merton's Beer, or Mysticism Incarnate by Stanislaw Obirek.
Book Reviews by Paul M Pearson and Michael Woodward.
The Advent 2002 issue, Vol.9 No.2, included:
Thomas Merton's Place in the New Millenium by Patrick Hart, OCSO.
Reflections on the Encounter Between Christianity and Islam by Anothony O'Mahony.
Poems by Heather Lyons, James Kelly, Padraig Daly, Jay Ramsay, and David Scott.
Beyond Gender by Fiona Gardner.
Demythologising Our Times: Living Humanly in the Twenty First Century by Peter King.
Pilgrimage to Prades: 13-23 May 2002 by Larry Culliford.
Book Reviews by Paul M Pearson, Tony Pannett and Keith Griffin.
The Easter 2002 issue, Vol.9 No.1, included:
Contemplation in a World of Violence I by James Allison.
Poems by Bonnie Thurston, James Kelly, David Scott, Freda Ackroyd, David Hodges
and Nora Tunney.
Contemplation in a World of Violence II by Sebastian Moore.
A Reflection for the Eucharist on the Occasion of the Assault on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon by Bede Hill, OSB.
A Visit with Robert Lax by James Uebbing.
Being with Bob: An Account of Some Time Spent on Patmos with Lax by Jen Harford.
The Heart has Reasons Reason Knows Nothing Of... by Negeen Zinovieff.
Book Reviews by Paul M Pearson, Patrick F. O'Connell and Michael Woodward.
The Advent 2001 issue, Vol.8 No.2, included:
Poetry of the Sneeze: Thomas Merton and Nicanor Parra by Paul M Pearson.
Poems by Ian Kennedy, Rupert M Loydell, David Scott, and Tom Renaud.
"Known to One Another in God": Merton and Pasternak by David Scott.
Roots and Wings: Thomas Merton and Alan Watts as Twentieth Century Archetypes
by Peter C King.
Louisville 2001: Fragments of a Journal by David Scott and Angus Stuart.
My First Experience of Thomas Merton by Kevin O'Connell.
Gerry Williams: September 4th 1924 - June 8th 2001: A Reflection by Tony Pannett.
Book Reviews by Paul M Pearson and David Scott.
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The Easter 2001 issue, Vol.8 No.1, included:
Poetry and Contemplation by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Poems by David Scott, Michael Woodward, Bonnie Thurston and David Hodges, OCSO.
The "M" Pire and Interview with William McNamara and Tessa Bielecki.
Jesus and the Buddha by Sebastian Moore.
Thomas Merton's Antipoetry by Sonia Petisco.
The Pointing Finger by Michael Woodward.
The Abbey Dore Merton Group by Christine Hemson.
Visions of Tom: Jack Kerouac's Monastic Elder Brother by Angus Stuart.
Book Reviews by Kathleen Archer, David Scott, and Paul M Pearson.
The Advent 2000 issue, Vol.7 No.2, included:
Robert Lax: An Appreciation by Arthur W. Biddle.
Patmos Poet by Chris McDonnell.
Living with Wisdom: A Preface by Jim Forest.
Models of Self-Emptying Love by Alexander Webster.
Theravada Buddhist Monasticism in the West - A Person View by Kim Wolfe Murray.
Poems by Pat O'Brien.
Infinity in a Grain of Salt by Gary Hall.
Poems by Bonnie Thurston.
Passion and Prejudice - An Ecumenical Exploration by Murdoch MacKenzie.
Book Reviews by Paul M Pearson, Robert Waldron, David Barton, and David Scott.
The Easter 2000 issue, Vol.7 No.1, included:
Thomas Merton's Journey to the Undivided Church by Jim Forest.
Your Garden - 'One Good Place' by Anne Cluysenaar.
The Country of Standing Still by Bill Long.
Are There Any Monastic Vocations in the World Today by Patrick Barry.
Five Poems by Tan Issaramuni.
Shared Facts, Different Stories: The Mother of Thomas Merton by Sheila M. Hempstead Milton.
Book Reviews by Paul M Pearson, Pat O'Connell, and Michael Woodward
The Advent 1999 issue, Vol.6 No.2, included:
The Gift to be Simple: Thomas Merton and the Inner City by David Emmott.
The Serbian Orthodox Church: Not What We Have Been Led to Believe by Jim Forest.
Poems by Simon Bailey.
The University Sermon by A.M. Allchin.
Out of India: Towards a More Inclusive Spirituality by Patrick Woodhouse.
Hungry Ghosts by Chris McDonnell.
Water out of Sunlight by Diana Walls.
Contemplative Prayer: A Commentary by Michael Woodward.
A Visit to Chithurst by Thea van Dam.
The Intimate Merton A Review by Paul M Pearson.
Book Reviews by Paul M Pearson, David Scott, Danny Sullivan, Ian Thomson
and Dominic Walker, OGS.
The Easter 1999 issue, Vol.6 No.1, included:
Contemplative Pastor, Contemplative Church: Spirituality for a Dark Age by Melvyn Matthews.
Two Poems by Michael Woodward.
Thomas Merton, Czeslaw Milosz and Robinson Jeffers: Poets of Attention by Robert G. Waldron.
The Poetry of Mary Oliver by Bonnie Thurston.
The Priestliness of the Human Heart by John O'Donohue.
Two Poems by Padraig Daly.
Not Reduced to Silence by the Darkness by Tony Pannett.
Book Reviews by Paul M Pearson, Tony Pannett and Michael Woodward.
The Advent 1998 issue, Vol.5 No.2, included:
A Hitherto Unpublished Letter from Thomas Merton.
Merton and Selfhood by Patrick Woodhouse.
Two Poems by Bonnie Thurston.
Thomas Merton and the Christian Search for Wholeness and Holiness by Paul M Pearson.
Three Poems by Padraig Daly.
The Santa Claus of Loneliness by Bill Long.
An Island Retreat by Nigel Dees.
A Review of Learning to Love by Paul M Pearson.
Book Reviews by Peter C. King and David Scott.
The Easter 1998 issue, Vol.5 No.1, included:
The Letters of St. Anthony of Egypt and Thomas Merton's Silent Life by Dominic Walker.
Robert E. Daggy - A Tribute by Paul M Pearson.
Denise Levertov: A Correspondence by David Scott.
Two Poems by Padraig Daly.
Thomas Merton and the Experience of Contemplation by Elizabeth Rimmer.
Two Poems by Eileen Sagar.
Tibet Comes to Wales by Michael Woodward.
A Priest at the Crematorium by David Scott.
Shadows by Bob Hudson.
A Retreat at Gethsemani by Kathleen Archer.
Book Reviews by Melvyn Matthews, Paul M Pearson, and Laurie Petch.
The Advent 1997 issue, Vol.4 No.2, included:
Thomas Merton and the Contemplative Tradition by Dom Aldhelm Cameron-Brown.
Dreamblood - A Poem by Laurie Petch.
Thomas Merton and Meister Eckhart by Oliver Davies.
Three Poems by Padraig Daly.
Patmos Journal: In Search of Thomas Merton with Robert Lax by Brother Patrick Hart.
Three Poems by Michael Woodward.
An Interview with Rabbi Hugo Gryn.
Our Hidden Ground - A Poem by Chris McDonnell.
Meditating and the Art of Doing Time by Sister Eileen McInnes.
Community - An Exercise in Solitude by Stefan Reynolds.
Two Poems by Sara Jane Kingston.
Book Reviews by Paul M Pearson, Monika Clare Ghoshe, Lindsay Nevin and Danny Sullivan.
The Easter 1997 issue, Vol.4 No.1, included:
Thomas Merton's Journey with William Blake by Thea van Dam.
Thomas Merton's Cambridge 1933 - A Poem by David Scott.
Merton and Moscow by Andrei Kirilenkov.
Eva Gay - A Novel Revisited by Peter C. King.
Three Poems by Padraig Daly.
Reginald Somerset-Ward by Richard Somerset-Ward.
Two Poems by Michael Woodward.
In the Beginning - A Word by Gary Hall.
Is There Something - Or Nothing? by Catharina Stenqvist.
All Things to All Men - Merton as Letter-Writer by Ian Thomson.
Merton Resources - An Outline by Paul M Pearson.
Book Reviews by Brother Patrick Hart, Danny Sullivan and Tony Pannet.
The Advent 1996 issue, Vol.3 No.2, included:
The Output of Poetry of Permanent Value during the Present Century has been Negligible
- an essay by Thomas Merton written at Oakham School and published here for the first time.
God and Merton the Monk, two poems by Padraig Daly.
Thomas Merton's Vision of the Unity of East and West in Christendom by A.M.Allchin.
Icon Restorer, a poem by Sara Jane Kingston.
Silence at Amravati by Dom Aldhelm Cameron-Brown. OSB.
I Am Raftery, a poem translated by Seamus Heaney.
Reaching Agapia by Ajahn Sobhano.
Watercolour on Watercolour, a poem by David Scott.
Dream, a poem by Chris McDonnell.
A Mirror of My Own Character and Conscience, a review of the first two volumes of Merton's
complete journals by Paul M Pearson.
Merton and Reuther, reviews of their published letters by Patrick Hart OCSO and John Challenor.
The Easter 1996 issue, Vol.3 No.1, included:
The Jesus Lama: An Interview with Harold Talbott.
Thomas Merton's 80th Birthday by Patrick Hart. OCSO.
The Mystery of God by Terry Tastard.
Mount Saint Bernard by Ian Thomson.
Sufism: the 'Strange Subject' by Terry Graham.
By Their Metaphors Shall You Know Them by Paul M. Pearson.
Sunset over Serbia by Ajahn Sobhano.
Cas Cavernas by Ernesto Cardenal.
A Selection of Book Reviews.
The Advent 1995 issue, Vol.2 No.2, included:
Thomas Merton and T.S. Eliot: Poets in Search of a Soul by Robert Waldron.
Merton and the Changing Days by Chris McDonnell.
A Journey of Hope by Ruth Andrews.
Explorers in the Dark Night by Peter C. King.
Theotokos by Sebastian Moore. OSB.
Rain on Marshal Tito Square by Venerable Sobhano.
Poems by Michael Woodward.
A Selection of Book Reviews.
The Easter 1995 issue, Vol.2 No.1, included:
Thomas Merton and the Christ of the Byzantine Icons by Jim Forest.
Fr Louis' Mertonia by Hilary Costello. OCSO.
A Girl Called Owen by Selima Hill.
Poetry by Michael Woodward.
Nova Notivitas by Sebastian Moore. OSB.
One who passes by, a poem by Chris McDonnell.
Merton-Milosz, Milosz-Merton by David Scott.
Abbatial Blessing by Donal Murray.
Two Mountains Never Meet by Venerable Sobhano.
The Art of Serious Correspondence by Paul M Pearson.
Merton's Journals by Patrick Hart. OCSO.
The Advent 1994 issue, Vol.1 No.2, included:
Following the Cosmic Dance by Esther de Waal.
Praying with Thomas Merton by Lindsay Nevin.
The Good Heart by Laurence Freeman.
Grace's House by Selima Hill.
Right Seeing by Dick Landon.
A Contemplative in the City by Bill Kirkpatrick.
All Shall Be Well by Thomas del Prete.
Thomas Merton and the Shakers by Bernard van Waes.
The Easter 1994 issue, Vol.1 No.1, included:
Thomas Merton and the Asian Tradition by Venerable Sobhano.
Alienation and Solitude by Monica Furlong.
Notes on Poems by David Scott.
The Monastic Way by Melvyn Matthews.
Serbian Diary by Jim Forest.
Books about Merton by Ian Thomson.
A review of Ron Seitz's Song For Nobody by Paul M Pearson.