Thomas Merton and The Complex Art of Simply Living
As a young monk, Thomas Merton translated and expanded a primer in Cistercian spirituality, called The Spirit of Simplicity. When he died suddenly in 1968, on the edges of a war zone, Merton left a legacy which bears testimony to his attention to the complexities of his own life and of the mid-twentieth-century world he inhabited, as he continued to seek and to live the spirit of simplicity.
This session will include a brief introduction to Merton, as we consider the complexities of his immersion in the spirit of simplicity.
The event has been organised by The Fintry Trust.
Speaker Revd Dr Gary P. Hall is a Methodist minister and theological educator at the Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham. A former editor of The Merton Journal, he has taught and presented on Merton in the UK, Germany, India, US and Canada.
Tickets: £15 for an invitation on Zoom. Register here.